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What Is PVC Foam Core?

Views: 23     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-06-25      Origin: Site

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Introduction of PVC FOAM CORE

PVC foam core is produced by expanding a reaction liquid in a controlled space and under strictly controlled conditions. This results in a wide range of foam densities used for a variety of applications.

PVC foam core sheets are lightweight, rigid, have a long service life, high mechanical strength (compression, tensile, shear), and high temperature resistance, are very consistent in cross-section, and bond well to resins and laminated structures.

PVC FOAM CORE Manufacturers

The major global players in PVC foams are:

· 3A Composites AirexBaltek

· CoreLite Composites

· DIAB Group

· Polyumac USA, LLC

· Gurit

· Maricell

· carbon-core

· AC Plastics Inc

· Laird Plastics


The PVC foam core sold by JLON COMPOSITE are commonly used in boatbuilding and wind power applications.

pvc foam core application

Boatbuilding customers typically purchase PVC foam in density 60/80/100 kg/m3.

JLON COMPOSITE also offers a wide range of surface treatment services. We sell many types of PVC foam sheets.

Processing of PVC FOAM CORE

The following are common processes:

1. Grooved and perforated

Shallow grooves in the surface of the core allow resin infusion and ensure adequate wetting of the laminate. Perforations allow venting and during vacuum infusion, perforations transfer resin from one side of the core to the other, further ensuring proper wetting of the laminate.

Common hole spacing: 20*20mm/30*30mm.

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2. Double cut

Double cut surface treatment can make flat plate curved without using glass fibre mesh.

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3. Contour

Square-cut grooves make it easy to fit the core to complex shaped moulds. The square cut pattern allows for small pieces to be formed and joined together by a lightweight fibreglass mesh.

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